Днес получих писмото си от ACS с положителна оценка:
"Your skills have been assessed to be suitable for migration under 261313 (Software Engineer) of theANZSCO Code.
Your qualification has been assessed as follows:
Your Bachelor of Computer Systems and Technologies in Computer Engineer from Angel
Kanchev Ruse University completed February 2018 has been assessed as comparable to an AQF
Bachelor Degree with a Major in computing.
The following employment after February 2018 is considered to equate to work at an appropriately
skilled level and relevant to 261313 (Software Engineer) of the ANZSCO Code.
Dates: 04/10 - 11/11 – 1 year(s) 7 month(s)
Country: Bulgaria
Dates: 11/11 - 06/18 – 6 year(s) 7 month(s)
Country: Bulgaria"
Всичко е цветя и рози с изключение на bold-натите неща. А ето и чуденките ми около тях:
Подозирам anita82 в знание по темата
Днес получих писмото си от ACS с положителна оценка:
"Your skills have been assessed to be suitable for migration under 261313 (Software Engineer) of theANZSCO Code.
Your qualification has been assessed as follows:
Your Bachelor of Computer Systems and Technologies in Computer Engineer from Angel
Kanchev Ruse University completed February 2018 has been assessed as comparable to an AQF
Bachelor Degree with a Major in computing.
The following employment after February 2018 is considered to equate to work at an appropriately
skilled level and relevant to 261313 (Software Engineer) of the ANZSCO Code.
Dates: 04/10 - 11/11 – 1 year(s) 7 month(s)
Country: Bulgaria
Dates: 11/11 - 06/18 – 6 year(s) 7 month(s)
Country: Bulgaria"
Всичко е цветя и рози с изключение на bold-натите неща. А ето и чуденките ми около тях:
- employment after February 2018 - Има ли смисъл да им пиша мейл питайки ги за RPL, с цел получаване на по- ранна дата? Според изискванията им, при RPL отново се изискват 8г. Най- тъпото е, че ако имаш висше от non-ICT изискват само 6г.
- 261313 (Software Engineer) - При кандидатстването си го избрах сам, но сега забелязах, че NSW търсят 261212 (Web Developer) или 261312 Developer programmer. Това проблем ли е за 190 визата? Трябва ли да правя нов асесмънт за някой от тези кодове?
Подозирам anita82 в знание по темата
