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Commitment Statement for QLD

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    Commitment Statement for QLD

    Привет на всички! Получихме покана от Куинсленд. Йей!
    Искаме да реагираме с документите за 2-3 дни, защото ни предстои дълго пътуване след това. Имаме си всичко, само Commitment Statement-а трябва да напишем. Някой има ли някакви препоръки? Най-вече се чудя дали е добре да се посочи Брисбейн/ Голд коуст като желана дестинация или някое село. Бихме си спестили тази подробност, но го искат и ще трябва да се мотивираме.

    Your preferred town/ region (including a postcode) and why?

    Предварително благодаря!

    Re: Commitment Statement for QLD

    Виж какво бях писал аз... Не ме избраха, но не заради стейтмънта

    Commitment to Canberra statement
    I have traveled around the world for business and pleasure; I have considered many places where I would like to live, work, and hopefully retire. After visiting Australia around New Year 2008, I have decided that it is the country where the rule of law, the commitment of the country to its people, the employment opportunities, climate, good and diverse food, economic stability and peace, and last but not the least friendliness of the everyone makes Australia a unique place for me to continue my life and pursuit of happiness. On 18.07.2008 I lodged an application for Skilled Migration 175 Visa. Confident that possessing a Master's degree with relevant work experience, and IELTS with a score of 9, I will have no trouble moving to Australia at the end of 2009, I waited. However, because of the financial crisis and the increase of unemployment, the immigration of independent skilled people was halted and now the DIAC website informs that application processing in my visa category should be completed by the end of 2012. Being at probably the most productive part of my life, I decided to look for other opportunities: state/territory sponsorship. I was able to quickly identify that regional SA and ACT offer positions for my profession.

    After careful consideration and evaluation of my priorities in life, I decided that Canberra is indeed a unique place to live and I will thrive and contribute to it as much as possible. I regard peace, personal security and the rule of law the highest, as I am most productive when feel safe and my work and life is subject to predefined rules valid for and followed by everyone. Canberra does offer these as the capital of a democratic country. Secondly, the employment opportunities are rather vast: there are plenty of job openings (I checked alljobs.com.au) that offer jobs in my professional area, and there are also others at the lower level of my qualifications that pay enough (circa A$70K) which will allow me to start immediately in order to adapt to the new environment. Once I feel ready, I will target the high-end jobs that will provide me with comfortable income to be able to enjoy the rest of what Canberra has and is. Probably the only weak point that I encountered is that many jobs that I found appropriate are government, hence only available to Australian citizens which automatically excludes me for at least the first three years. I am confident though, that the rest of the opportunities will more than compensate this fact. The climate will be similar to the one I am used to now in Sofia, so no adaptation will be necessary. I am looking forward to visit the National Multicultural Festival the first weekend of February 2011. I have always appreciated diversity in all its aspects and I feel that with over 20% of foreign-born population, I could truly experience Canberra as my diverse home. Finally, there are numerous places where one can recreate after a busy week, either a one-day trip to the nearby mountains, hills and lake, or a few days getaway in the bigger cities around the coast, or even a week's vacation in South East Asia (a place which has always fascinated me). Going shopping at the numerous commercial centres, visiting one of the many museums, or just relaxing by one of the community pools for just $5 also seems like an attractive option.

    Reading about the city, I was pleasantly surprised that people on average will be of similar age (31 years) and professional (over 30% holding at least a bachelor's degree). From what I have experienced during my tenure at iGlobal Management Services, and SAP Labs Bulgaria, it is easiest to communicate with people around one's own age; the teams have been cohesive and the synergy was at its highest. Of course, such energy and intelligence raises the bar of healthy competitiveness and will force continuous education and life long learning, concepts that I embrace. No other place in Australia but Canberra can offer this. I was surprised, however, that ANU does not offer studies leading to PhD, as I initially planned to complete a PhD degree by the time I was 40. I will contact the College of Engineering and Computer Science and see what I should do to gain or improve my marketable skills.

    It is pointless to fall in the greatest of detail what research I have already done. It is sufficient to say that I like what I have seen so far. I know how I will get around in the beginning: bus or bike (I am an experienced driver but depending on cost and convenience I may consider buying a car). I know what Internet plan I will take and from which company, if available in my area. I am prepared to use the assistance of Centrelink and employment agencies to find a job quickly. I have also chosen Commonwealth bank (and I was pleasantly surprised that international money transfer fees are lower than in other countries I have banked with). Since I am highly adaptable, I can call my home the place where I feel comfortable, happy, and secure. In the US I could not stay because of my immigrant status (and because of rather negative attitude of the people, as opposed to Australians who I find to be friendly and genuinely interested in getting to know a new person); in Bulgaria I cannot reach my full potential because of lack of opportunities, I do not feel secure and comfortable (the police and the legal system exercise a double standard and favor the people in power). In conclusion, I am looking for a healthy and fulfilled life, and even half of what I have read about Canberra is true, then I am absolutely certain she has already won me.


      Отг: Commitment Statement for QLD

      NikiG, много ти благодаря!
      А имаш ли впечатления защо щатите отхвърлят кандидати по принцип? Някакви do's and don'ts има ли?


        Re: Commitment Statement for QLD

        Click image for larger version

Name:	ACT-Refusal.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	155.3 Килобайти
ID:	8865Та значи, ето прикачам отказа на Канбера, където (правилно) е отбелязано, че ще ми е трудно да си намеря работа в номинираната област. Преди да подам мисля че професията ми беше в оранжево и за месец-два стана червена, тоест нямам шанс лесно да си намеря работа.

        Важните неща са:
        1. Да си проверила точно за този щат/територия информация за география, възможности за живеене (жилища, транспорт), възможности за работа.
        2. Да си търсила работа по специалността - дори да си подала на няколко места, за да сондираш доколко работодателите са ентусиазирани
        3. Ако имаш семейство с малки деца - възможности за тях за работа и учене.
        4. Ако имаш познати и приятели, които да ти помогнат на първо време.
        5. В никакъв случай да не споменаваш, че си заинтересована от други щати или че "ще поживея няколко години, а после накъдето ме отвее вятърът"

        Трябва да успееш да им покажеш, че ще се заселиш успешно и ще се устроиш; ще работиш по специалността и ще пуснеш корени точно в тази територия. Останалото вече зависи от обстоятелствата, както беше в моя случай

        Пожелавам горещо успехи!


          Отг: Commitment Statement for QLD

          Еий, човек тъкмо се е надъхал, и те отказ ще пратят! :/
          Явно икономическата обосновка на въпроса в това писмо трябва да е на преден план и да се наблегне на това, че шансовете за намиране на работата по специалността са реални и големи.
          А мислиш ли, че има смисъл да доказваме повече средства от поисканите? Първоначално мислехме да го направим, но почти сме се отказали, защото е голямо приключение с българските банки.


            Re: Commitment Statement for QLD

            И това беше друго приключение. Защото имах пари в спестявания за пенсия, докато работих в САЩ. В БГ банка нямах кой знае колко. Приготвих писмо и отидох до нотариус да "декларирам", че имам парите и откъде са.

            Въпросният нотариус "съзря" материален интерес и искаше да ми вземе пари като за имотна сделка, където става дума за някакви проценти от рода на няколкостотин лева, а не за заверка на подпис, което е 5лв. Опитах се да споря и да кажа, че парите няма да си сменят собственика и това е само декларация колко пари имам, но въпросната госпожа беше неумолима.

            Отидох в отсрещната кантора и за мой късмет срещнах най-милата нотариуска, която не само че ми завери декларацията, ами дори предложи да напише на английски Notary Public, за да няма нужда от превод - аз бях написал декларацията в две колони - на български и на английски с един общ подпис отдолу. Чак сега виждам коя е тя: https://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%95...BE%D0%B2%D0%B0
            Изключителен човек


              Отг: Commitment Statement for QLD

              Много благодаря за контакта на нотариуса! Може да опрем до нея.
              Пуснахме преди малко документите. Сега чакаме.

